basic political system

basic political systembasic political system
  1. It is a basic political system of China .


  2. In cooperation institution , policy turned to basic political system ;


  3. The Ordering of the Private Entrepreneur Owner 's Political Participation and Our Basic Political System


  4. Regional national autonomy is a basic political system to solve the national minorities 's questions in china .


  5. The CSC firm will exist in a long time for the being of immature market , community share and basic political system .


  6. Our party and country pass long-term exploration , ask for and determine a basic political system of country as system of national regional autonomy .


  7. The villagers self-government as a of our country basic political system , is in the socialist market economy with rural economic reform and the formation of .


  8. Constitution is a basic political system frame of modern country ruled by law . But in our traditional taxation structure , constitution spirit and culture were utterly ignored .


  9. The manorial system , basic political system , the western European medieval in medieval Western Europe social formation of the large attachment relationship is one of the most important part .


  10. As an important part of national basic political system , the national audit , as an immune system , plays the prevention , reveal and resisting function in national administration and helps country in achieving sustainable development .


  11. In Chinese ancient culture , there 's a intrinsic relation between the splendid poem culture and basic characteristics of feudal political system of China official rank standard .


  12. Performance measurement is a way of government management adopted by western countries in the basic frame of existing political system and after the marketization of part of government function and the delivery of public service ;


  13. The veto power is an important part of American political system , it forms a vital tache of narrow checks and balances system , and embodies a basic principle of American political system - checks and balances principle .
